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This open-call is urgent<3

If you are interested, please get in touch as soon as possible. 



The Myzel is a 140m2, multifunctional open-off-space. Open means, that the space should be an open space for many, low-threshhold to use.

Off means, off the radar, off the rules of the institutions; it means, that the Myzel is a space to experiment new forms of culture, art, shared spaces, without the presence of  politicians, owners, art directors, companies, social workers or anybody else. Here we can have a deeper look at our needs and can try them out immediately. 

Whats important to know:
The Myzel is and always remains organic, adaptable, flowing. This also means that nothing written here has to remain exactly the same. The project so far is process-oriented, growing fast in times with much sun, sleeping for a while, when there is no sun... It's "human-oriented" <3

The Myzel tries to be an open and partizipative shared space for art, culture, social affairs, music, experiments.... and so much more, depending on the people who find their ways to the Myzel. 

The plan so far is for a small team to organize the space. Team, collective, group, club, it remains to be seen in which form we feel comfortable. One part of the project would be the private projects and the private studios, offices, ateliers, of the individuals (if desired) and the second part would be the joint organizational work of the Myzel. 

Which part will become how big, is open and depending on the people, which get in touch with me and the Myzel in the next days, weeks.

To give you a feeling, here are some possible scenarios - remark: right now, I am only one person in the project and of course my imagination is limited. Of course there are many other possible scenarios. 


THE MYZEL is looking for:

- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (?) people

- Artists

- Cultural workers

- Individuals

- Groups

- Collectives

The monthly fee for the entire room is 900.-
It depends how many people will join the project, how many people will have private studio slots and how much a person could actually afford.

The actual cost for each person is a topic that we all decide together in the group.

If you have a question, please write an email and you will get a respond quickliy.

more to come <3

Maybe 3 people will cultivate an individual workspace, which means that these people would regularly do their personal work in the myzel. Maybe a textile studio, maybe office or organizational work. Maybe a collective (5 people) would organize regular private events and workshops, independent of the other 3 people. Once a month, all 8 people meet and we discuss what we want to do and how exactly. If the idea remains that we try to make the myzel an open space and who is the target group? Will maybe 3 people say that they are interested in pursuing this idea (open space for many)? Will the other people perhaps prefer to work alone? Will such structures perhaps change from month to month? I think so. <3 because everything is in flux. Will we perhaps become a team that often works together? Is it perhaps a moment when like-minded people find each other? Will groups perhaps form that will continue to exist beyond this project and continue to explore the idea of ​​open, participatory, self-organized spaces? Or will it ultimately be quite pragmatic that 4 people will do their individual artistic work in the Myzel without us working together on a regular basis?

We'll see, I'm very excited in any case!

"Irr und frei.

  Das will ich sein.

  Ich grüss dich

  und dann geh ich heim."



Myzel, open-space, off-space.
Freiraum, K - uns, Traum.

Flowing, growing, processing.

Flower, Trauma, Schawarma.

First: I take my phone, I open the app and

I write my name in our common calendar.

Reservation done. 
Second: I enter the Myzel. I stay here,

aaall day long. Only me.

Finally, some space...
Just to be.
Third: Maay-be,

I'll text my dog, 
or a friend...


I think, I don't.

Lesen, drehen, summen, singen.
Malen, rauchen, auf Klo gehn, Hände waschen.

Erst, dann rasch zu Aldi und mal kochen,

für die eingelad'nen Freund*innen, 

Katzi, Hund und Fledermaus...

und Eichhörnchen auch.

Bäuche voll, jetzt wird geplant.
Die Zukunft, die noch kein Tier ahnt.

Und nett und toll und


und voller Fülle und voller Fö-lä-lö-lö-lüh-lüh
und alle singten: 

"lala, la-lala,

lolo, lele-le, 

lim, lam, bum, bim-bam, bams



Anscheinend sind sie irr...

Aber nicht arm dran.


"Also ich muss hier schweissen, mindestens drei Mal

und ein Mal im Monat geb ich Yoga.
Soweit privat, soweit legal

und was ich Sonntags geb, na ja..

Meld dich halt an! Ausser,

du bist ein Mann."

Der Mann: "so dann..."

Das wc im Myzel ist ein stilles örtchen,
begehbare skulptur,
bis dato gebaut von einigen,
nie fertig,
soweit provisorisch und benutzbar,
zukünftig und für immer im künstlerischen Prozess
und hoffentlich finden bald neue Menschen den Weg hierhin,
um weiterzubauen, 
denn manchmal stinkts,
und manchmal ist es kalt,
aber meistens ist es das märchenhafteste wc,
auch ein bisschen düster,
aber mindestens einzigartig.
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